Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage: Principles into Practice
Julian Grenier led on the revision of Development Matters for the Department for Education. He has independently written guidance to support practitioners, teachers and settings in understanding and implementing the updated Development Matters.
Our new publication is available to download free as a PDF by clicking on the blue Download button. Or you can buy it as a published book, with full colour photographs and illustrations by Juli Dosad.
This book is published by Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre. It’s a finalist in the Nursery World awards 2021.
‘This guidance is strong, evidence-based and most importantly prioritises disadvantaged children. The equalities and SEND sections are particularly important. I know that teachers and early years practitioners will welcome it.’ Iram Siraj, professor of child development and education, Oxford University.
‘I think this document is invaluable for practitioners and will certainly be using it with the team at Busy Bees.‘ Deena Billings, Quality Director, Busy Bees Nurseries.
‘This is such an easy book to read. Informative, interesting and comforting to see Early Years practitioners being asked to use their professional judgement and not do mountains of paperwork! Yippee! I have recommended this book to so many people and it is fantastic that you can actually download it for free too! A must for getting to grips with the new curriculum, thanks Julian!‘ Verified review on Amazon
‘We applaud Dr Grenier’s independent document because it delves deeper into theory and the evidence base, while providing rich guidance about the “how” as well as the “what” of early years best practice.’ Kathy Sylva and colleagues, Oxford University.
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